DireConsequences's Journal

DireConsequences's Journal


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20 entries this month

02:41 Mar 27 2011
Times Read: 779

More than likely I won't be around for a few days. I'm hoping to get so much finished the beginning of this week. My back and legs have been killing me but I've gotten a lot done as it is. Tomorrow I need to finish pruning the trees and cut down a whole bunch of raspberries that are in the wrong area. There's tons of them around here and in different spots of the yard. No one lived here for three years before we moved in so it's a little overgrown. My Aunt Betty's flowers are coming up everywhere and it makes me smile. I'm thinking of making a memorial garden off of the back porch. I have to get Brett to burn the brush from where I've been working in the yard and some trees have been cut down. I've been working my tail off. I'm hoping to get the bathroom arranged and painted, the kitchen finished, look for a kitchen sink cabinet, the living room finished and possibly arranged differently, and the back porch gone through the rest of the way and arranged as a sort of playroom for Aurora and a relaxing place for me. We have everything I need but my stepdad is going to be coming around before the end of the week. I'm trying to get my mom to stall him a little bit so I have enough time. I've got so many changes I want to make to this house. I want it to suit Aurora and myself. Brett's in there somewhere but it's about my daughter and me. LOL! This is going to be my house when I inherit it. I want to put the money into it that needs to be spent. I love it. It's going to be mine. It's our first home. Brett and I have been together for over four years and this is the first home we've had that has felt like a real home. It feels safe to me. I take Aurora for walks and I don't feel scared to go outside. I'm confident here. I'm losing some weight and I'm becoming a little bit less stressed. I'm starting to take control and responsibility... Heck, I'm calling the doctors and people I need to see to find out what's going on with me. I'm wanting to live my life the best I can. So many people around me have passed away in the past few years and I just really want to live and be happy. Not some anxious mess.





10:36 Mar 25 2011
Times Read: 781



03:33 Mar 24 2011
Times Read: 783

I need someone to talk to. I've always hated how people state those kind of phrases but tonight it's true for me. I can't believe all the anxiety I'm dealing with at the moment. I just want to hide. I don't know how to deal with all of this. I'm terrified of going to the damn doctor's office. I don't know what to do.




02:37 Mar 24 2011
Times Read: 784

Tomorrow is my appointment. My body is messed up. My left side is getting smaller. My cheek is sinking in. My arm is about 1.5 cm difference. My leg is almost the same difference from my right one. I'm terrified I had a stroke or something. I'm 24 years old. If I had a stroke, what the hell am I going to do? I won't say some bullshit of this isn't fair. I'm far from perfect but damn it, if I did have a stroke... how do I deal with it?

I know there's nothing they can really do if I did have one. I just want my mommy to go with me to this appointment... make him give me the referral.

That way, the neurologist can refer me to other doctors who he KNOWS I need to see.

I have a daughter so I need to take care of myself. I know it. I'm just terrified of finding out that something big is wrong with me.

My head is killing me. I just want it to seriously stop. Ugh.

If something is wrong, I have people. I have some support. I need to do this.

Damn it. I need to. 10:45 am I'll be in that office with my mother recounting what has been going on.




10:43 Mar 23 2011
Times Read: 786

I feel pretty perky this morning. I've been awake since 5 o'clock and doing my Metro and watching news programs.

I'm not looking forward to the gloomy weather today. My legs and back are hurting more than usual.

I got my Zoloft in me last night. My doctor ordered it in for me. I'm happy about it. But with my other medications, it reacts nicely to make me sleep a lot deeper but I woke up like three times to go to the bathroom.

Brett's going to take the neighbor to his test today for $25. It'll be the last little bit of money for the dog to be getting spayed. Then she'll officially be allowed to live here with us. I may keep her inside for a few days but I'm not sure. I know it's suggested and all but I think Aurora will pull out her stitches.

I'm still tired. *yawns* I'm wondering where a couple of people have disappeared to online. I miss talking to them.

I think I'm going to go back to Metro or nap until Aurora gets up. She rolled over and fell off the bed. She went back to sleep right after I picked her up and before I put her back in the middle of the bed. No knot or red marks. She was bundled in a blanket.


And her doctor said her foot is good to go! It's going to be slightly discolored but there's no drainage, no hole, and nothing to be concerned about! We have to call if it starts to fester up again. But she's done. This chapter of her life of hospital visits every other day for packing and bandage changes are over with.

Plus on a side note, I've been getting more and more gray hairs. It doesn't bother me which is why I'm putting it here. I already know I'll be prematurely gray and my hair will eventually thin out.

I don't care. It's hair.

... The fact I don't care makes me feel kind of guilty because when Courtney started losing her hair... she was so upset. She got wigs and learn to accept it but how many people are like that? It's not a big deal to me and it feels like it should be.




20:39 Mar 22 2011
Times Read: 794

Total weight lost so far:

16.1 pounds

I started out at 281.3 pounds three months ago and I'm now 265.2 pounds.

I've been watching what I eat (other than the weakness of Velveeta) and moving a lot more.

I've also been trying to take care of myself a lot more mentally and stress-wise.

Like I said in a previous entry today, I've been going up and down but my muscles are coming back. It's been warm outside and so I've been doing yard work to start prepping the yard for flowers and veggies. Aurora can't wait to help me plant flowers! Haha! She's helped me pick some out.

I can't wait until it's officially frost free. My legs won't hurt so much in the mornings.

I'm so freaking excited about the weight lose though.


I want to lose at least 15 more pounds before summer is here. It will help me keep up with Aurora a lot more.

... God I can't wait to take her swimming and things at a campground area about 15-20 miles from here. Maybe we'll buy a tent so we can camp for a few days. We'll have the money to get one... and it wouldn't be wasted cash either.

Oh, and I want to get my fishing license. It's about $20 but it would give me the option of going fishing in the creek below our house and taking Aurora fishing with my mom and stepdad after her surgery. It can get Brett and I out of the house too.

Sadly, I want to hear a catfish scream! I want to fillet it out on the railroad tie off our porch. *blushes* I want to be a cruel Tiffy so I can have a couple of small fish fries. Yumm...

I can't wait for deer season this year. I'll be making sure I get myself a deer. I really want to get some deer roast and jerky. *drools*

Gotta go. Laters.




17:32 Mar 22 2011
Times Read: 797

I hate that I'm selfless on a lot of things.

My mom and stepdad wanted to keep Aurora overnight once this week so I could go to a club with or without Brett where there is live music, usually hardcore metal.

*sighs* But no, I won't let them. I can't let Aurora keep them up all night and run them ragged.

She's stubborn in not sleeping unless at home with me. The last time I told them to call me if she wouldn't sleep and they didn't... she didn't sleep either. Over ten hours of trying to keep up with her... way too much on both of them!

But now... I've probably lost my chance to go to Yesterday's for at least THREE months.

I miss going with Courtney. I could probably get Melinda and Tim to go with me if I wanted someone other than Brett to go with. I can find people if needed.

It's just... I don't trust people watching my daughter for long periods of time because she's determined not to listen to them. If she doesn't know you, she'll probably beat you up. How many people are willing to get the crap beaten out of them by a three year old without lying a hand on her?!

I put her in the corner, which works most of the time... but would someone else? No one is allowed spanking my daughter other than me. I've gotten pissed at Brett for doing it. Hell, it doesn't work for him anyway. She laughs in his face. I barely tap her butt or her hand and the world has ended.

My mom's getting surgery sometime in the next few weeks. Knee replacement. I've lost my chance for at least three months.

If I go, I want to know she's safe to the point I can drink and have someone else drive me home or stay at their place.

The way I'm trying to look at it is an opportunity.

I want to lose weight... well continue to...

So once I get 15 or 20 pounds off of me, I can go party once in a while.

I don't want to party as in doing drugs or sleeping (slutting) around. But I do want to dance, listen to music, laugh, hang with some friends I trust, and drink.

I should not have anxiety every time I'm left in the house without my daughter. I'm trying not to call my mother to make sure they left in time to make her appointment. I'm positive she made sure to get his butt moving on getting her over there.

I just need to remember to breathe. It's alright. I'm going to keep on listening to music I can't listen to on my computer with Aurora around and cleaning... and dancing.

My muscles are coming back so my weight is going up and down. I'm okay with it though. Muscle will only cause me to become stronger, my body more resistant towards me falling (hopefully), and burn more calories later on.

Every thing I deal with today is another I don't have to cope with tomorrow. Every thing I put off today is another burden on my shoulders for tomorrow and probably the rest of my life with my track record of dealing with issues and problems.




15:43 Mar 22 2011
Times Read: 800

"Mommy, if I pay you $10, will you go with me to protect me from the mean old man and translate for me." *insert begging here*

The neurologist will take me as a patient if my primary care refers me. But my health plan said he's a participating member of their program and I don't necessary need a referral.

God, I have to go see my doctor, who I've tried talking to about these problems before, on Thursday. He does not listen to me on this. He doesn't think someone my age needs to see a neurologist.

What the hell?

There are kids under the age of 12 that need to see one!

I cannot keep falling, hurting, and going numb. I need to see this neurologist. It's continually getting worse bit by bit... I don't want to go over his head because I do have major respect for the man but I need to get in to see this other doctor.

My mommy is going to see if she can go with me. I'm terrified to go by myself just for me not to be taken seriously. I may still have to go by myself if she can't go because of her legs or appointments.

Brett's giving me a break. He's taking Aurora to my mom's place and then to her appointment without me having to go. I'm going to play Metro for a few after typing all this and then clean up Aurora's room and the living room.

Maybe my mom and stepdad will take her for a couple of hours like they were supposed to yesterday. We went to drop her off and ended up staying ourselves... about four hours later, she wanted to leave with us. LOL! That will teach us to run away! LOL!

I'm nervous. I've already gotten "sick" this morning from calling all of these places. I'm getting better because I can actually call them... but people can still tell how nervous I am when doing so.

When calling my primary care physician... I mistakenly called the hospital first... and then the lab of the center.

I can't keep being this nervous about getting this taken care of.

My joints have been killing me more lately. Along with my bones... I'm scared I'll be having to get a bone scan. Hell, I'm terrified I'll end up with cancer. Everyone keeps ending up with it around me. I'm terrified of that "C" word. Terrified.

Aurora broke my rosary a while ago but I think I'm going to set down while they're out and fix it. I miss wearing it and praying with it while meditating on what's bothering me.

I really need guidance at the moment.

If something major is going on with my body, I can't stop it and it won't make it worse just by me knowing. It will be a challenge but if people around me can stay so strong... so can I.

I refuse to go anywhere.

And on a side not, my psychiatrist called in my Zoloft for me! ♥ He didn't make me come in. Heck, he knows I don't get on the telephone to call in myself unless it's something major. Tonight, I'll be starting it back up.

*Currently trotting over to Metro!*




03:16 Mar 22 2011
Times Read: 804

I can't feel guilty for you dealing with memories you helped to create with me. It's not my fault things ended up the way they did. I will not feel guilty for you not accepted the present or the future. It's not happening.

I refuse to let anyone make me feel guilty for my choices.

Obviously, the choices I made over a year ago were in my best interest.

Everything in my life is starting to find a certain balance.

We are caught up on our bills. Aurora is doing so much healthier. We owe no one money that was lent to us.

We payed everything back and still have the money to improve the house we're living in.

This is an investment in my future, in my daughter's future, heck, even in Brett's future.

This house will be coming to me evening. I've been thinking about my future and how it's going to affect my daughter's well-being.

I'm doing better and I won't let someone who is negative in any part of their own person or the words spoken from their body ruin what I've worked for.

I'm cleaning out my "closets," getting rid of items that remind me of people I don't want to remember daily in my life, and uncluttering my life in not only material possessions that no longer serve their purpose but also people who only affect me in "not so good" ways.

Congratulations, I think a couple of people in the past couple of days have made it to the "chopping block!"

Wow, this entry makes me seem like such a bitch. However, I was fine without these people in my life before, when I cut them out originally and now, I'll be okay again.




05:29 Mar 21 2011
Times Read: 810

I've been having monster mood swings for about a week now. Brett lost my script for my Zoloft and my other medication. It was a three month script. I don't know if my psychiatrist will be willing to call me in more. I've been off of it for a day short from two weeks now.

This is nuts. I feel like I can't think clearly. Brett's the only one getting my "bad side" because it is his fault. He lost my script. Ugh!

I went from 200 mg to absolutely nothing.


I feel like I'm fucked on it.

At least I know for absolute sure the mood swings are not a pregnancy or something. I took a test just to rule it out.

I hate that I can't stop taking things personally. I can't stop getting pissed about his habits brought on by his ADHD.

... I swear, I was NEVER meant to hook up with any individual with ADHD.

When talking to him and I can tell he's zoning... I just want to walk up to him and slap him as hard as I can.

I must be a good girl.


I'll be doing more puzzles, gardening, cleaning, baking, etc.

Doctor, doctor, please give me my medication! *begs*





21:11 Mar 20 2011
Times Read: 811



03:52 Mar 20 2011
Times Read: 817

I made it through today with no incident. I haven't even fallen from my legs giving out or any other cause. It's nice. Hopefully yesterday will be the only time that type of thing happens.

Our one neighbor offered us a couch today for free. I turned it down. I said no.

If you have met me in real life, you would know it is almost impossible for me to say no to people even if I don't need something.

I'm proud of myself for saying that simple phrase... "No, thank you for offering but we don't have a need for another couch."

It felt good not feeling guilty about it.

My uncle, mom and stepdad were out today. It's nice for them to come out here finally. They can't risk my mom coming over the hill to the house when the ground is sopping wet like it's been for a couple of months, minus a handful of days.

My stepdad told me I can cut back the apple bushes, showed me where the grape parlor is, where there are so many flowers at where my Aunt Betty planted them, approved where Aurora and I want to plant our garden... and helped clean up the trees we cut down so we could burn them tonight.

I'm content out here. I'm at peace more than I've been in the longest time.

I have my moments. I have my struggles. But I have the strength to pull through them. I can go talk a walk in the woods and see how strong a sapling is and how resourceful the animals are.

I love it here.

I can't help but never want to leave here.

I have so many ideas for this house. We have to build Aurora's room before the start of summer. We're also going to get the old gorgeous cast-iron claw bathtub hooked up.

I'm excited about it. How could I not relax when that thing gets hooked up? It gorgeous. I can paint it if I want. I can so see lit candles on shelves while drinking an alcoholic drink, listening to Celtic music in a nice hot lavender bubble bath. Oh yeah. I'll be relaxed.

This house will eventually come to me. I'm thinking of it as our every first home. It's going to be mine and Aurora's.

We have so much going for us. I have so much going for me. Yeah, I'll face challenges but that's life. What's the point of all this if I don't have to "fight" to get it and keep it? I don't mean tooth and nail on fighting to keep it... just the normal challenges. Bills, stress, etc. Those things everyone has to deal with.

Heh, I got online to play my Metro. I need to get on over there before my population riots.





03:35 Mar 19 2011
Times Read: 828

I really need to harass the neurologist's office to get in. My mother thinks I may have a had minor, minor stroke today. I'm scared shitless because of it. I would think she's trying to just scare me to get in if she wasn't so serious and concern about it. That's not like my mother when she's told me things before.

I've been supposed to see this doctor or another neurologist for over a year now. Every time I get a little bit of the run around, I freak and don't call back for a while... usually months.

I know I need to get in there. It's not normal for my body to feel like it's trapped in concrete in the morning. My legs and hands being so cold. My limbs to give out on me to the point I fall all the time.

I need to swallow my fears and get in there.

If it's something serious, it's already done. I might as well know about it. Right?

And hopefully, it's something small and can be sidetracked with a regiment of whatever. Or maybe it'll be caught in time to stop it from getting worse.

What happened is I was talking with Brett. I was upset because of him not helping me with Aurora as much as I need and her shoving a roll of toilet paper and my two necklaces in the toilet while I went to open the door... She was trying to go potty on the toilet. I was gone for about 30-50 seconds.

I was sort of yelling at him to vent some of my anger. I got a incredibly sharp pain in my temple and behind my left eye. I can't remember anything after me saying "I can't keep fucking doing all this" but Brett said I talked a couple of sentences after that. He said my eyes rolled in the back of my head and I fell back on the floor. He had to throw cold water in my face to get me conscious. When coming to I felt so weak. I still have a migraine.

Their office was already closed.

My momma is a registered nurse with her BSN. She knows what she's talking about.

I'm not making a huge deal out of this. If I had a stroke, there's nothing the emergency room can do about it. I can't take the anxiety of sitting in the waiting room and then the tests through the evening or night. This happened about 5 o'clock today. I wanted to write here so I can take this in with me on the symptoms.

I'm scared to death of going to the neurologist. I've already been warned he's going to more than likely give me a nerve pill and stick needles deep in my body to see how it reacts. My mom's had it done. I'll admit I'm scared crapless.

But yeah, I'll be calling insanely on Monday to get in touch with the neurologist's office. I love how he doesn't play around with my mother or her conditions. He seems nice but to the point. I hope he'll take me since my mom's the one who is pressing for me to get in to see him. My primary care doesn't think someone of my age needs to see a neurologist even though the MRI he had done on my back showed a "gap" in my back.




14:14 Mar 18 2011
Times Read: 831

Last night was horrible. It's like in my head there is fire and water. The fire being the destructive habits, thoughts, memories, etc. The water being more positive thinking, the better habits, the healing, etc.

They're in a war and I'm in the middle being tugged back and forth. Burned and soothed.

The affects of the water do not last too long but they get longer with each time I experience it.

The affects of the fire are tremendous. When it hits, it hits hard and I can't pick myself back up or empower the strength of water immediately after.

It's a constant battle.

I'm not expecting a miracle in the process of looking into MDMA or even if I would get involved in the clinical studies. I expect my worse nightmares coming to the surface.

However, the one thing different is I'm hoping I'll be able to love myself. It figure out for once in my life that it was not my fault and believe it with everything I am.

I can't ever change my past. I've accepted that long before now.

But I can try to live with it. To heal from it. Hell, to HEAL period.

At least every time I think I'm going crazy or doubting the past... I do have my scars. I can look at one or another or another and remember most of the incident that led to them.

Whether it's therapy, my own self-help, a regiment of medication and therapy, or the MDMA, I have to do something to help myself. I need to get better. I need to heal.




05:41 Mar 18 2011
Times Read: 836

I always promised myself if there was a way to forget my sexual abuse, I would. If I could risk everything to heal from it, I would. It's affected my life in every single aspect of it.

There's been a clinical study on MDMA which is a active ingredient of ecstasy and another going on currently. Ecstasy is one of the few drugs I've actually WANTED to try sometime in my lifetime to just feel comfortable in my skin and sexuality... even if for only one damn night of my life.

I'm thinking of getting involved in the study if they would have me. I would even pay out of pocket for airplane tickets for this experience. Out of 20 patients, 17 of them no longer met the text book criteria for post traumatic stress disorder after a few years after the therapy.

I want this. I would risk losing memories of everything, everyone, and myself just to have a chance to feel comfortable having sex, kissing someone I love... hell, GETTING CLOSE TO MY DAUGHTER!

Screw everyone! My daughter deserves a mother who can be there for her consciously and not absent in most daily activities.

I'm so scared to give her a bath for fuck sake when I'm her mother because I'm scared I'll be like the girl who abused me! I can't have healthy relationships with anyone. Not even myself.

I'll risk losing my memories of my dad, Courtney, my grandma, everyone... the birth of my daughter, her first words and steps... just to be able to sleep one night without any nightmares or night terrors.

I want to be able to go outside without feeling like the next person I see could rape me without anyone intervening. My mom said her and my dad thought something was happening and never helped me. Never asked questions! I'm so pissed even now about it. I can't control the anger. I can't ask for help. I can't even turn to friends. I can't rely on myself.

I blame myself for asking for help. The abuse continuing for so fucking long. I remember so much and yet not all of the years of abuse. That's right, YEARS. How can I expect myself to feel safe when I judge everything I say or write. I'm breaking down as I write this journal and I feel it should be here. It's me. It's my life.

It's ruled my life since December 17, 1994. I was raped by the boy down the street from my grandmother's house. That's what I first remember. I remember the blood on my legs and my ripped carebear underwear my mom and dad had gotten me. I remember my grandmother leaving me tied up in the dark for hours. HOURS. No wonder I can hardly sleep in the fucking dark and tremble at the sound of thunder. She saw me. She left me for hours and when she cleaned me up she called me a whore. A slut. Not worth a damn.

I am worth a damn. I deserve a chance at a happy life. So fuck all of you. If I do this, it's going to be for me! ME! ME! ME! Tiffany fucking Rose! Not you, not Jess, not Daniel, not anyone else. Screw my motehr wanting things to remain silent. Fuck it. I'm tired of trying to deal with my past with no fucking help. No one can get this. Not even me.

Can someone on here tell me what it feels like to have bleach and a little bit of water in your vagina? I know. God, I know. I have the scars inside me to prove I know. Hell, I know what it feels like to have Noxzema used as lubercation. I need help with this. I can't get rid of the nightmares.

There's more than I even know under the surface. I can't bring everything up. I want a chance to live without this fear without the anxiety. Without the nightmares. I want a chance to live.

I want to be me. To feel comfortable with me. Myself. Is that too much to ask? Seriously.

I can't keep hiding myself in food, alcohol when it gets too bad to handle, and fat upon fat on my body just because I think it makes me safe. Who is going to rape a fat chick? Who? Hell who is going to rape a fat ass slut? Not many people I fucking know around here.

I can't deal with this. I'm going to look into this. I have to. I promised myself since I was about 11 years old and I started cutting, burning, anything to make the thoughts and memories to go away for just a second. Just a second. A moment in time. I want that second now and can't selfharm. I have a daughter. I can't do that. I can't look at her if I do it.

She deserves more than this wreck of a mother she's been stuck with. I can't do this.

I would give so much for Courtney to be able to stand by my side through this decision and if I do it. I would want her there. Just to hear her voice tell me it's okay just to talk it out.

Brett supports my decision. My mom, I can't say. I don't know.

I have to do what will make me better. What I feel is best. This is best for me. I'm sure of it. Even if I forget everything... it means no more memories of being in that basement or living with my other abuser for years.

I honestly believe my childhood stuffed clown tells my abuser everything including my thoughts. Even now that I'm 24 years old. His name is Mr. Bubbles. I loved him so much. My dad got him for me. Yet I believe he talks. He hears my thoughts. He reports them. That's how she knows what to say and if I ever liked something or not. That's how. That's how. It tells. He tells. He hears.

God, I can't live like this. I can't. I have to either get into prolonged exposure therapy that I don't think I could make it through or the MDMA. Something to have a chance to get past this.

Yeah I made it past the abuse but what about now? What about the memories that dictate my life?? I can't sleep without waking up to make sure I'm somewhat safe. I can't sleep without nightmares. I have so many flashbacks its insane. I don't even think I've had sex even once while being fully aware of it. Not with anyone. Not once. That's not right.

And I shouldn't cause myself to bleed when I get the nerve to masturbate. I shouldn't. I feel I deserve it though. Nothing but the worse for me. I hate this. I hate this part of me.

I hate I punish myself for being abused. It wasn't my fault but no matter how many times I say it there's no change. It was my fault. I asked for help. I asked. I went to him and then I went to her. They just got worse and worse and worse. I stopped it. I took control but I can't take control of my life.

When I see the girl even now, she reminds me of it. Reminds me of the abuse. How can I do this? How?

Lord, help me. Give me something to go on. Please. I've been trying so hard to get better. I don't even know if its a facade or reality anymore. Shouldn't I be able to tell that? Shouldn't I? I should know if something is real or not... right? I can't tell. I sleep and I have nightmares, I wake up and have flashbacks. Fears and terror I have no clue where they come from. Nothing to go on. Nothing. How can I heal from something in the past when I don't remember it all? How?

I feel torn apart. Every nightmare is just like being raped again. Tortured again. I don't talk or say much just because it'll get worse. I'll get punished again. It'll happen again and this time will I be able to finally fight her and win?

I have to get help. I have to. Damn it, no choice. I have to fucking get better. I have to! I can't keep doing this. My own guilt and shame is killing me. I can't even sleep now because I'm a nervous wreck with no one to talk to even if I wanted to. I have no one I trust that much anymore. I want to talk to Jared but at what cost? Losing respect? Losing a friendship hell causing him to think less of me?

I can see why so many abuse victims, survivors whatever, turn to drugs and shit to deal with these feelings. I want so badly to hurt and I won't. I guess I've gotten better in that way. I'm not a total lost cause. I want to get better.

I'm waking Brett up. I can't be alone anymore.




04:35 Mar 17 2011
Times Read: 843

Oh my god! I want to slap Brett upside the head as hard as I possibly can! Ugh! I just found paperwork that I've never seen. NEVER! It's where the attorney general sent me an agreement for me to start making payments on my college debt from my scholarship falling through. He used the paperwork as a BOOKMARK in a book that I just found tonight! I never knew they had approved the decision! They were supposed to mail me something but I never got it... in my hand that is!

I despise Brett sometimes. This is one of those times. Am I going to be able to get back into the college?! I've been debating about getting enrolled into the Spring quarter but know for sure I want to get into Summer. I'll have to get enrolled in the next week or week and a half so I need to get in touch with these people and get things sorted out. I can't believe this. I can't believe him. I just want to cry and not stop. Okay, okay, minor, biggish setback. I can call them like an adult and sort things through. They knew I did not have a place of employment so they knew I would have problems coming up with the money which is why they were supposed to mail me the final decision. I'm just really upset. Something that has been bugging me for over a month has just been solved and it is because of someone's quirks. I hate how he does that... all the time. He's picked up the envelope with the bill money before and used it as a bookmark. How stressful could that be to someone whose two and a half year old daughter was in the flushing everything down the potty phase?

Breathe. Just breathe.



18:29 Mar 17 2011

To funny


03:46 Mar 15 2011
Times Read: 846

My joints feel like they're going to explode, especially my knees and my one ankle. I seriously need to see a doctor when it's convenient.

It's almost midnight and I'm on Facebook. Doing what? I'm playing Metropolis. I've been missing it. I want a silver or gold membership but so don't have the money.

I'll be okay. LOL! It's not like a game will be the end of me. Right?

Aurora may not need to go back to the hospital for her foot. Her doctor's appointment may be moved up.

Tomorrow is another day of sorting through things, moving loads, and playing with the babygirl.





00:48 Mar 14 2011
Times Read: 850

There's one guy I would probably leave Brett for. It's weird how these kinds of thoughts come up but I was honestly thinking about it today while we were driving home. I can't remember why I started thinking about it or what the song on the radio was. Just one of those things maybe...

I've never met this guy. I've known him since mid-2005. At one point, I thought he was deceased while deployed to Iraq. If I had known he was still alive, I would have never got into a relationship with Tommy or Brett.

He waited for me... and I completely broke his heart. Not because I wanted to or meant to. But because I found his name on a causality list for the National Guard. I still feel for him. I still care about him and god, I miss talking to him. I plan on going to where he's stationed to meet him if he still wants to.

It was such an insane relief when I saw him online one day when I was crying because I missed my dad, with Brett in TN, and pregnant. I cried even harder because he finally told me he had fallen in love with me. He wouldn't tell me before he left for overseas because he thought it wouldn't be fair to me to have someone overseas and not beside me.

I've talked to Brett about this before. He knows I'm writing this out. I want to talk to him. Hell, I'll call him if he'll let me one day. Brett doesn't mind. As he said before, if I leave him then he must be doing something wrong.

And right now, Brett's not doing anything wrong. His disorder is acting up but it's not his fault or under his control. I won't blame him for that. We've been laughing everyday. We still have little disagreements but not big fights. The last fight was on my birthday (the sixth) which was me telling him he needs to get back on his medications. We screamed and got it out. Sadly, we're doing so much better and seeing where the other is coming from now.

So that's the one guy I would leave Brett for but it's not going to happen. Hell, the guy probably wouldn't let me in all honesty. I miss him though.

I put this on here because it feels right to do so. I wrote about him when I first joined and I feel like this is part of my life that will stay on this site. Although, I met him on VampireFreaks. Um yeah. Gerard_is_the_sexs was my name on there. I joined with Amanda and Courtney.




01:20 Mar 12 2011
Times Read: 860

Brett and I ended up having a "screaming fit fight" earlier today. We're much better after a lot of things being said. Some of the issues have started to change already. He's going to be cutting more wood tomorrow when we get back from getting Aurora's foot taken care of. I'm happy it happened but pissed it had to come to it for both of us to hear the other on certain things. We're both way too stubborn at times. Not just him, not just me, but both of us.

Yummy supper... done... and ate. Aurora's sleeping. Brett's relaxing in the chair. I'm playing Solitaire, writing this, and relaxing under my electric blanket. God, my legs love this thing.

I really have to be grateful for not having my menstrual cycle for the past couple of months. My IUD is great there. I'm not pregnant either. Every time I skip a few months, I take a test just to make sure because of my medications. Things happen and I know that.

Oh, and I have to admit I'm jealous of my best friend's friend's wedding plans. I'm not even sure if I'm invited but I'm so jealous. I hope Courtney can see how happy she is.

I'm dehydrated. *sighs* I've drunk over 32 ounces of liquid today. I wonder how many times I'll wake up tonight having to pee. LOL!

I'm exhausted. I'm getting off of here and away from the online world. I'm going to relax.

... I'm happy with how I feel now. Even when I feel like crap, I still keep situations in perspective. I know I don't have to settle for how people treat me. They either treat me decent or they're out of my life. Heck, I flat out told Brett today that with how he's been acting lately, I don't want to be with him in a relationship or live with him. He could just get out.

That shows a lot about how far I've come.

*nods* I respect myself too much to let people's actions make me feel anything less than myself.





17:44 Mar 09 2011
Times Read: 866

Aurora's at my mom's today for a bit. Brett's at class. I'm applying to college and filling out the FAFSA in a bit. I'm excited to be getting back into classes. I've made the decision not to go with ITT. It would be too much stress trying to do the classes online with dial up and the campuses are over 45 minutes away (almost an hour). So I'm going somewhere I miss and dealing with what I owe. I'm planning for the summer quarter since Aurora's foot should be healed by then.

Speaking of her foot, we have to still go to the hospital every other day to get the bandages changed for at least two more weeks. She's not happy about it but I never expected her to change her mind about her foot be confined in wraps.

I'm hoping to get a lot done today so there isn't so much stress on my shoulders. I've been the one up with Aurora almost every night. Ugh! I need to sleep some. Decent, undisturbed sleep. I can hope?

I can't wait until the temperature is about 60 or so and I can walk to the playground in town and swing in the rain. *sighs*

I guess that's the update of what's up. There's more of course but not everything is meant for online.

Oh I'm debating about sending messages to a few people I really admire and look up to. I don't know how to word the messages because no matter what, I think it will sound weird. I want words of encouragement from them. Only thing is two of them... I've only talked to once or twice. How will they take my message and request?



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